Wednesday 15 June 2022

A Lady and Her Boudoir

Private Modeling Session I
If a woman gives an invitation to her boudoir to show off her wardrobe, who am I to refuse? I'm a gentleman, but I'm also a man.

Private Modeling Session II
CMNF: Gray suit and birthday suit.

I have no idea why I did not self-combust. A man can only take so much before he melts into a puddle on the floor. I've heard the expression Heaven on Earth and think this may very well be it. I am now going to put my left index finger in my collar and pull slightly to get some cool air. Whew! Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

Private Modeling Session III
I'm university educated, and I like to think of myself as being an articulate gentleman. However, every once in a while, I find myself at a loss. I can't find the right words, and I can't seem to utter a coherent sentence. I trust you'll forgive me if I express myself in a more, ahem, succinct manner: [click here]

Private Modeling Session IV
She slinks up to me and presses her naked body against mine. Her expression feigns innocence, but her demeanor says anything but. She knows who she is, what she wants, and is not afraid to go after it, damn what anybody else thinks. Confidence oozes from her, and let’s not forget that confidence is the sexiest of traits. Her seductive coyness ignites everything dominant in my being: protect, cherish, worship, and, of course, enjoy. She knows how to push my buttons, and I must confess that it is a delightful experience to have my buttons pushed. This is a woman who reminds me how much I enjoy being a man, and how much I enjoy her being a woman.

Private Modeling Session V
"The only thing I cannot resist is temptation."
—Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish poet and playwright

"God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time."
-Robin Williams (1951-2014), American actor and comedian

I will now take the Lord's name in vain. I'm not sure how many more of these private modeling sessions I can take. Besides, what about the risks? I look around me, and I don't see a defibrillator. By the time 911 shows up, it'll be too late!

Private Modeling Session VI
Now, let me check my smartphone settings. Flash, no. Motion Photo, no. Timer, off. Ratio, full image 4:3. Resolution, full. HDR, on.

Holy cow, is this complicated! This so-called smart phone cost me over eight hundred bucks! You'd think it would come with some sort of preset Sexy Lady or something!

Private Modeling Session VII
I enjoy a good book. Although, I've just realised that I've read the first paragraph three times now, and I still don't know what it said. It's funny how a naked woman sitting on my lap can completely throw off my concentration. I may be wrong, but I can't shake this feeling she wants me to stop. I can hear you asking, What was your first clue? Okay, okay, so I'm slow to pick up on the signals! It is a good book. Well, it's supposed to be a good book if I can ever get past the first paragraph! Ha!

Private Modeling Session VIII
I'm a gentleman.
I remain cool, calm, and collected. I can handle myself, so to speak, under fire, and I strive to always be polite and respectful.

But I'm also a man.
If my mother knew what I was thinking, she would wash my mind out with soap. Ooh la la!

The above cartoon character is Howling Wolf from the 1943 cartoon Red Hot Riding Hood by Tex Avery. (Wikipedia) It's a classic! :-)

short clip: Howling Wolf, YouTube 0:55

full cartoon: Red Hot Riding Hood, YouTube 3:49

Credits: Manon Mirabeau
I want to thank my charming partner and good friend, Manon Mirabeau, for putting up with my nonsense. My blend of humor and eroticism is to play the part of the gentleman, polite and respectful, who has a hard time controlling the more, ahem, libidinous part of his nature. Ha, ha! Of course, my temptress does enjoy making life difficult for me. Ha, again! :-)

Check out Manon's music. She is owner of the club Metropolis at Sexy Beach. (SURL) She's also a DJ. Check out her weekly schedule here. This woman rocks!.

Life is good. :-)


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