Sunday, 26 January 2025

Tanya's Coffee Shop: chat, drink, and flirt

Rated M, Tanya's is a sedate setting, well-suited for a tête-à-tête. I consider it the perfect place to just chat, get to know one another, and decide on the next steps, if there are any next steps. We talk about SL, of course, but we may also touch upon RL, and there may be flirting. It's interesting to note you don't need any animations to be intimate. The communication is really what sets souls on fire, and an animation is merely the icing on the cake.

While I've dropped in and started chatting with somebody already there, most often I bring somebody I've met elsewhere. As I said, there may be some talk abut RL, and I've heard some stories. I'm reminded of the saying: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” There, but for the grace of God go I. I have problems; everybody has problems. But then, somebody tells me their story and I think: I have a problem; they have a catastrophe. Whoa!

I meet people from all walks of life, different countries, different ages, different cultures, people that I would not meet in RL. I've chatted with a few twentysomethings who've said I wasn't just old enough to be their father, I was old enough to be their grandfather! (Full disclosure: The RL mind behind the curtain will be 73 later this year.) Let me repeat: RL doesn't matter. We're here in SL and as such, it gives us a level playing field.

The situation gets flirty. Let me emphasize I play the part of a gentleman; I remain polite and respectful. However, that does not preclude me using actions typed in italics to suggest my interest in my conversation partner.

Hugh Toussaint: lets his eyes wander over your form, following the line of the V of your dress and lingering on the exposed curve of your breasts.

I'm doing my damnedest to make my partner feel like the most desirable woman in the world. It feels good to be noticed. It feels great to be wanted.

This is deliberate on my part, as I know full well how much I enjoy it when somebody pays attention to me. It is a game of cat and mouse, a lot of fun for both parties. My reward as an enamored male has been a nip slip, even a flashed breast. I let them know via an OOC there is a sitting animation - for a man, I assume - which involves sitting with your hands up behind your head and your legs spread. This is a perfect opportunity for me to look up their dress. Some remove their panties. Some, I've noted, have no panties, suggesting they enjoy walking around in public playing the part of a sexual creature. There is a certain thrill to being naughty.

A certain thrill, indeed: I repeat this over and over again. Being naughty or being passionate titillates us. It gives us a tingle. It reminds us we are alive. Oh yes, we're all alive, but I'm talking about feeling alive, that moment when you stop, focus, and become aware of your body, the sights, the sounds, even the beating of your heart, and you can feel something akin to a rush go through the fiber of your being. You sit looking at me slightly tilted to one side, looking up your dress at your lack of panties, as you feel a certain coolness of the air on your now unencumbered nether region. How does it feel being naughty while being aware you have managed to completely capture my attention? You are the flame, and I am the moth.

I wax poetic. How am I doing? Do I have your attention? I hope I've got you smiling right now as you read this.

Old saying: Don't be a perverted asshole. Be a perverted gentleman.

All in good fun. I have all sorts of photos of these meetings which remain private in my exclusive collection. I never kiss and tell. But I do look at them once in a while and smile at the memory of the charming personality with whom I shared a moment. Many have been two ships passing in the night, never to be seen again. That may seem to merit a "Too bad!" but I'm always grateful this happens at all. Nothing lasts forever, but thank God for the unforgettable. It is a reminder that the world is full of charming, passionate people. I'm not naive; the world does have bad people, but in my experience, the vast majority of people are nice. And given the right circumstances, they can be passionate (read: naughty).

A good cup of coffee, a good conversation, and a twinkle in the eye. This is a recipe for an amusing interaction and a memorable moment. We can both walk away, thinking that was fun and if the opportunity came up again, I'd accept it. [raises my coffee cup in your direction] Cheers!


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